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shopware/frontends - helpers ​

Welcome to @shopware-pwa/helpers-next package.

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Documentation specific for this package: helpers

Reusable classes ​

The helpersCssClasses variable, defined in the cms/layoutClasses.ts helper file, comprises an array of class names utilized within the CMS.

To enhance type support, a union type HelpersCssClasses is defined, which encompasses all class names present in the helpersCssClasses array.

const visibilityMap: Record<CmsVisibility, HelpersCssClasses> = {
  mobile: "max-md:hidden",
  tablet: "md:max-lg:hidden",
  desktop: "lg:hidden",

These classes can be integrated into a custom template, thereby ensuring consistency across different packages. For example as a safelist classes in unocss configuration file

import { helpersCssClasses } from "@shopware-pwa/helpers-next";

export default defineConfig({
  safelist: helpersCssClasses,

Changelog ​

Full changelog for stable version is available here

Latest changes: 0.5.1 ​

Patch Changes ​

  • #460 729d03a5 Thanks @mkucmus! - Proper visibility and css classes merging

  • Updated dependencies []:

    • @shopware-pwa/types@0.6.0


downloadFile ​

Download file

export function downloadFile<T>(file: T, name: string) 

source code

getTranslatedProperty ​

Get translated property from the given object.

export function getTranslatedProperty<T>(
  element: T | undefined | null | never,
  property: keyof T,
): string 

source code

getMedia ​

Prepare media object

export function getMedia<
  T extends {
    downloads?: Array<{
      id: string;
      accessGranted: boolean;
      media: {
        fileName: string;
        fileExtension: string;
>(lineItem: T) 

source code

getBiggestThumbnailUrl ​

Returns the biggest thumbnail url from the media object

export function getBiggestThumbnailUrl<
  T extends {
    thumbnails?: Array<{
      width: number;
      url: string;
>(media?: T): string | undefined 

source code

getSmallestThumbnailUrl ​

Returns the smallest thumbnail url from the media object

export function getSmallestThumbnailUrl<
  T extends {
    thumbnails?: Array<{
      width: number;
      url: string;
>(media?: T): string | undefined 

source code

getSrcSetForMedia ​

Returns the srcset attribute for the image, for available breakpoints

export function getSrcSetForMedia<
  T extends {
    thumbnails?: Array<{
      width: number;
      url: string;
>(media?: T): string 

source code

relativeUrlSlash ​

Add/remove slash from the relative path

export function relativeUrlSlash(relativeUrl: string, slash = true) 

source code

urlIsAbsolute ​

export function urlIsAbsolute(url: string) 

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canUseQuoteActions ​

export function canUseQuoteActions<
  T extends {
    stateMachineState?: {
      technicalName: string;
>(quote: T) 

source code

getCmsLayoutConfiguration ​

Get layout configuration for CMS content

export function getCmsLayoutConfiguration<
  T extends CmsBlock | CmsSection | CmsSlot,
>(content: T): LayoutConfiguration 

source code

expand LayoutConfiguration
export type LayoutConfiguration = {
  layoutStyles: {
    backgroundColor?: string | null;
    backgroundImage?: string | null;
    backgroundSize?: string | null;
    sizingMode?: string | null;
    marginBottom?: string | null | undefined;
    marginLeft?: string | null | undefined;
    marginRight?: string | null | undefined;
    marginTop?: string | null | undefined;
  cssClasses: {
    [cssClass: string]: boolean;
  } | null;

LayoutConfiguration ​

export type LayoutConfiguration = {
  layoutStyles: {
    backgroundColor?: string | null;
    backgroundImage?: string | null;
    backgroundSize?: string | null;
    sizingMode?: string | null;
    marginBottom?: string | null | undefined;
    marginLeft?: string | null | undefined;
    marginRight?: string | null | undefined;
    marginTop?: string | null | undefined;
  cssClasses: {
    [cssClass: string]: boolean;
  } | null;

source code

getCmsEntityObject ​

Returns the main page object depending of the type of the CMS page.

export function getCmsEntityObject(
  response: CmsPageResponse,
): Product | Category | LandingPage 

source code

isProduct ​

Predicate function to check if the entity is a product.

export function isProduct<T extends { apiAlias: string }>(
  entity: T | Product,
): entity is Product 

source code

isCategory ​

export function isCategory<T extends { apiAlias: string }>(
  entity: T | Category,
): entity is Category 

source code

isLandingPage ​

export function isLandingPage<T extends { apiAlias: string }>(
  entity: T | LandingPage,
): entity is LandingPage 

source code

getCategoryImageUrl ​

gets the cover image

export function getCategoryImageUrl<
  T extends {
    media?: { url: string };
    type: string;
>(category: T): string 

source code

getCategoryUrl ​

Get URL for category. Some link

export function getCategoryUrl<
  T extends {
    type: string;
    externalLink?: string;
    seoUrls?: { seoPathInfo: string }[];
    internalLink?: string;
    id: string;
    linkType?: string;
>(category: T): string 

source code

getCategoryBreadcrumbs ​

Gather breadcrumbs from category

export function getCategoryBreadcrumbs<
  T extends {
    translated?: {
      breadcrumb?: string[];
    breadcrumb?: string[];
  category: T,
  options?: {
     * Start at specific index if your navigation
     * contains root names which should not be visible.
    startIndex?: number;

source code

getCategoryRoute ​

Get category/navigation route information for Vue Router.

Returns category or navigation URL and route informations for resolving SEO url. Use it with combination of <RouterLink> or <NuxtLink> in Vue.js or Nuxt.js projects.


<RouterLink :to="getCategoryRoute(navigationElement)">
export function getCategoryRoute<
  T extends {
    type: string;
    externalLink?: string;
    seoUrls?: { seoPathInfo: string }[];
    internalLink?: string;
    id: string;
    linkType?: string;
>(category: T) 

source code

getFormattedPrice ​

Get formatted price

export function getFormattedPrice(
  value: string | number,
  currency: string,
  options: Options = {
    direction: "ltr",
    removeDecimals: false,
    removeCurrency: false,
): string 

source code

getProductFreeShipping ​

Get product free shipping property

export function getProductFreeShipping<
  T extends {
    shippingFree: boolean;
>(product?: T): boolean 

source code

getListingFilters ​

biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: Listing filters needs to be improved when schema types are ready

export function getListingFilters<T extends Record<string, any>>(
  aggregations: T | undefined | null,
): ListingFilter[] 

source code

getProductName ​

export function getProductName<
  T extends {
    name: string;
>({ product }: { product?: T } = {}): string | null 

source code

getProductReviews ​

Format product reviews to ui-interfaces

export function getProductReviews<
  T extends {
    id: string;
    productReviews?: Array<{
      id: string;
      externalUser?: string;
      customerId?: string;
      createdAt: string;
      content: string;
      points?: number;
>({ product }: { product?: T } = {}): UiProductReview[] 

source code

getMainImageUrl ​

gets the cover image

export function getMainImageUrl<
  T extends
    | {
        cover?: {
          media?: {
            url: string;
    | {
        media?: Array<{
          media?: {
            url?: string;
    | {
        cover?: {
          url: string;
>(object: T): string 

source code

getProductTierPrices ​

Get the prices depending on quantity added to cart. Tier prices can be set in Advanced pricing tab in Product view (admin panel)

export function getProductTierPrices<
  T extends {
    calculatedPrices?: Array<{
      unitPrice: number;
      quantity: number;
>(product?: T): TierPrice[] 

source code

getProductUrl ​

Get product url. The priority is SEO url and then technical url.

export function getProductUrl<
  T extends {
    id: string;
    seoUrls?: Array<{
      seoPathInfo?: string;
>(product?: T): string 

source code

getProductRatingAverage ​

Get product rating average property

export function getProductRatingAverage<T extends { ratingAverage: number }>(
  product: T,
): number | null 

source code

getProductCalculatedListingPrice ​

Get the calculated list price

export function getProductCalculatedListingPrice<
  T extends {
    calculatedPrice?: CalculatedPrice;
    calculatedPrices?: CalculatedPrice[];
>(product?: T): number | undefined 

source code

getProductRoute ​

Get product route information for Vue router.

Returns product URL and route informations for resolving SEO url. Use it with combination of <RouterLink> or <NuxtLink> in Vue.js or Nuxt.js projects.

export function getProductRoute<
  T extends {
    id: string;
    seoUrls?: Array<{
      seoPathInfo?: string;
>(product?: T) 

source code

getProductFromPrice ​

export function getProductFromPrice<
  T extends {
    calculatedPrice?: CalculatedPrice;
    calculatedPrices?: CalculatedPrice[];
>(product: T): number | undefined 

source code

getLanguageName ​

Get translated language name

export function getLanguageName<
  T extends {
    translationCode?: { translated?: { name?: string } };
>(language: T): string 

source code

getShippingMethodDeliveryTime ​

Get shipping delivery time

export function getShippingMethodDeliveryTime<
  T extends {
    deliveryTime?: {
      translated?: {
        name?: string;
>(shippingMethod: T) 

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getBackgroundImageUrl ​

export function getBackgroundImageUrl<
  T extends {
    backgroundMedia?: {
      metaData?: {
        width?: number;
        height?: number;
>(url: string, element: T): string 

source code

buildUrlPrefix ​

export function buildUrlPrefix(
  url: string | UrlRoute,
  prefix: string,
): UrlRouteOutput 

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isMaintenanceMode ​

export function isMaintenanceMode<
  T extends {
    code?: string;
>(errors: [T]): boolean 

source code

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